ag·gre·gate : a whole formed by combining several (typically disparate) elements.
I set out to design concrete watches, and ended up with a brand. It’s taken me through the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, and made me an even better designer, through understanding the impact of product, business, and brand as a whole.

Kickstarter Beginnings
We decided that the best way to test out our product market fit, was to run a kickstarter campaign. People said we were crazy, and we were. We were fully funded within 3 days.

We had to plan fast, and move fast.

Design a Brand, Not Just a Product

Entrepreneurs have to be willing to "do the work."

In the Trenches...

We got to collaborate with one of our favorite brands, Adapt.

We designed Tyvek Backpacks, too.

Aggregate was featured in three issues of GQ.